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Becoming an Image [2013 – ongoing]

– Becoming an Image is Vason’s first body of work, which rather than emerging from a series of collaborations with individual artists, emerges out of a group environment, in which Vason leads collaborative actions. The point of departure is the concept of the ‘Act of Exchange’. The images produced become a skin with which to cover surfaces and three-dimensional objects – 

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Ideas are transformed into actions, then into photographs and finally the photographs into objects, which aspire to provoke new ideas.

The point of departure of this work is the “Act of Exchange”

-Exchange between participating artists -Exchange between the different practices, cultures, languages, ages -Exchange between different mediums of expression -Exchange between each artist and the locations, where the actions were taking place -Exchange between the work produced and the viewers

The subject of investigation is the process, which is identified with the word ‘Becoming’. The artwork is process, the artwork is in constant transformation and our understanding of the artwork is in constant change. The process is the closest representation of who we are as human beings.


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