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Collaboration with Maja Smrekar


Photo: Borut Peterlin

K-9_topology: HYBRID FAMILY

From the 11th of January I will spend a week with Maja with the aim to create strong visual material to accompany her incredible work.

Here some info about the project:

The ‘HYBRID FAMILY’ project by Maja Smrekar is the third one in the ‘K-9_topology’ series, that will be presented end of January 2016 in Freies Museum Berlin.

In her multi-part artistic project exploring the parallel evolution of man and dog as well as the cultural intersections between the human and the animal, Maja Smrekar creates an environment for thinking about society that is not based on the subjugation and instrumentation of nature for our own needs, but rather, on a more balanced coexistence of humans with the ecosystem that surrounds them. The author establishes an environment, a sort of utopian projection of the future, in which humans and animals coexist in hybrid families, sharing an entirely equal social status. Her artistic arguments are based on solid biotechnological facts, thus doing away with any possible prejudice or bias by employing cold, hard science, and additional inevitability of human-animal hybrids is found in the myths that are so deeply ingrained in our Western social unconscious.

You can read the intriguing dialogues between Maja Smrekar and Jens Hauser at:


Co-curator: Jens Hauser

Artistic consultant: Jurij Krpan

Artistic collaborator: Manuel Vason

Psychoendocrinological advisor:

dr. Primož Debevec

Executive producer: Sandra Sajovic

Production assistant: Katarina Hergouth


Produced by Zavod PRAKSA, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Co-produced by Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Project partner: Freies Museum Berlin, Berlin, Germany

 Supported by

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia

The Ljubljana City Council – Cultural Department


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