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Meet me at the River - Exhibition

04 Mar 202205 Jun 2022 National Museums Liverpool - Dr Martin Luther King Jr Building (MLK)

It has been a great joy to be working with a group of women part of Migrant Artists Mutual Aid (MaMa) to create the visuals for the exhibition at the Liverpool Museum.

Founded in 2011, MaMa is a cross-national network of women, mothers, migrants, artists, academics, and activists who work together to support members who are seeking sanctuary, and campaign for justice in the migration system. Their pop-up exhibition will be a visually strong and immersive experience, as well as a platform for engagement discussion and debate, MaMa plan to include music, performance poetry and workshops. The participation of communities in the development will focus on the long and deep relationships that MaMa has as a community of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers with groups across the city.

MaMa will work with National Museums Liverpool as well as with vulnerable and marginalised participants in Liverpool, developing their artistic response to Liverpool and its role in historic slavery through an immersive soundscape of music and spoken word augmented by visual elements taken from the Slavery Museum’s rich archival material and newly created artistic works.

Here some images of the exhibition:


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