Delighted to announce that a collaboration with Thessaloniki-based artist Alexandros Plomaritis has been selected as part of the “The in-Tension” international group exhibition, curated by Demosthenes Agrafiotis & Andreas Pashias and presented by epitelesis – Performance Art Foundation at the Athens Photo Festival 2013

6-23 Nov 2013 Beton7, Pindas 7, 118 55 Athens
As a part of Athens Photo Festival 2013, “The in-Tension” (Performance as Photography) is an exhibition curated by visual and performance artists Demosthenes Agrafiotis and Andreas Pashias. By examining the fusion of artistic practices experienced in the contemporary cultural scene, this exhibition brings forward the work of prominent international artists as a crucial effort to re- evaluate the relationship of performance art and photography. In performance art, the duration required to execute an artwork is ‘equal’ to the actual artwork. Photography is introduced in this process, as an attempt to capture the artist’s corporeal existence orits trace in action. The ‘tension’ betweenthese two artistic practices is brought forwardthrough the contrast of a performance’s duration unfolding over a specific period of time and the photographic instance capturing only one frame/moment of action. Therefore, the ephemeral dimension of performance art is quoted by the resulting photograph, into a document of permanence. As a pictorial essay, this exhibition proposes the detached photograph as autonomous artwork and presents it alongside similarly treated artistic output.
The differences between the art of performance and the art of photography come in diverse formats, so that the performance artist and the photographer can choose the elements on which they can build convergences and divergences. These formats of ‘intention’ can be realized through a photograph takenduring a live performance, a still image capturedfrom a video performance, an image of the artisttaken in collaboration with a photographer or even a self-photographed image of the artist. The relationship between the performer and the photographer is formulated according to the structural elements of these ‘in-tensions’. As a result, this exhibition is based upon the formats of producing artwork by a ‘hybrid creator’, that rises through the merging of an artist’s body and a photographer’s camera lens.
Performance artists: Abel Azcona · Alastair MacLennan · Alexandros Plomaritis · Amalia Charikiopoulou · Andreas Pashias · Bartolomé Ferrando · BBB Johannes Deimling · Boris Nieslony · Carlos Martiel · Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith · Demosthenes Agrafiotis · GRAAM · Grigoris Semitecolo · Joseph Ravens · Julien Blaine · Katharina Kastl · Kurt Johannessen · Lala Nomada · Michel Collet · Monika Günther & Ruedi Schill · Pekka Kainulainen · Seiji Shimoda · Valentine Verhaeghe
Photographers: Anne Lise Dehee · Daniel Häller · Dimitris Priftis · Fabrizio Garghetti · Jean Marc de Samie · Jesse Clockwork · Jessica Smith · Jouko Vatanen · Juan Pablo Hoyos Ramírez · Kenny Lemes · Manuel Vason · Mathias Pick · Miklos Legrady · Mishka Henner · Monika Sobczak · Rita Rodrigues
INFO Opening: November 5th 2013, 20.00 Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 14.00-20.30 | Saturday, 14.00-18.00 | Closed on Sundays Duration: November 5th –23rd 2013 Beton7, Center for the Arts | 7, Pydnas St. (Metro station “Kerameikos”| Votanikos) Τel. : 210-7512625
epitelesis – Performance Art Foundation is an artists’ platform that has been set up in order to concentrate and disseminate the work of artists in performance art. Having its basis in Athens – Greece, it aims at engaging local artists and the public with activities that incorporate performance art, whilst developing ties with individuals and organizations on an international level. Its name derives from the Greek word “επιτέλεση”, proposed as the native translation of performance art and alluding to the ceremonial completion of an artist’s journey. –
Demosthenes Agrafiotis is a poet and a visual artist, active in intermedia work involving photography, performance, painting and installation. Agrafiotis has published a number of books, essays and scholarly articles on art, science/technology and health as socio-cultural phenomena. As a curator, he has organized festivals and seminars on performance art, whilst realizing exhibitions, workshops and conferences on photographic art and its policies.
Andreas Pashias is a visual and performance artist, orchestrating live performances, video performances and installations. Pashias’ practice aims at the performative interrogation of physical action, by using the artist’s own body as the basic material for creation. As a curator, he has co- curated series of performances on the relationship of live action to other artistic practices, whilst participating in the virtual gallery “ekthesis” as the leading artistic director.